Anti-wrinkle injections

Ageing is formed by the appearance of two types of wrinkles – dynamic and static. Dynamic wrinkles are caused by muscle activity for example frowning causes wrinkles between the eyebrows and Crows feet are formed as a result of smiling. Static lines are formed by loss of volume for example deep lines around the lips and nose which are known nasolabial lines.  Anti-wrinkle injections work by treating and preventing dynamic lines by relaxing muscle activity.

What is an anti-wrinkle injection?

It is a solution of naturally occurring proteins which are injected into the muscles and work by relaxing the muscles. At Reform Medical we use the best quality products that are MHRA approved. The brands we use are Allergan known as ‘BOTOX’ , Bocouture and Nuceiva.

What does the treatment involve?

The procedure involves small injections which cause little or no sensation of discomfort to the superficial skin layer and result in no scarring to the skin at all.

What is the result?

Smooth lines and no wrinkles resulting in a natural and fresh appearance. We avoid giving you that ‘frozen’ overtreated look.  You will notice the results in between 5-10 days after the treatment and it lasts approximately 3-4 months.

Side effects?

Mild discomfort and redness can occur at the site of injections that last for 24 hours. Occasionally there can be minor bruising to the skin. Please inform the dentist if you tend to bruise easily.

What areas can be treated with Botox?

The whole face can be treated with Botox. The most popular treatment is on the upper face: treatment of forehead wrinkles, glabella (Between eyebrow) and around the eyes. Botox is also a very effective treatment if you clench or grind your teeth. Jaw contouring and slimming the lower part of the face can also be achieved by injecting into masseter muscles.

What is Hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating from the over activity of one type of sweat gland, the eccrine gland. This means that the armpits may be constantly damp. This can cause embarrassment at work or socially, and it may make normal everyday activities more difficult to carry out. When small doses of toxin are injected into the skin, Botox® block the actions of the nerves that supply the sweat glands preventing them from producing sweat. The effects of treatment last for several months and usually last for up to 6 months.